Sunday, 10 November 2013

The  Thirty Second Sunday in ordinary time  
                            Sunday 10th November 2013    

  November is traditionally the month when we remember our loved ones who have died. Parishes all over the country will hold Masses of Remembrance this month. Schools will hold Services of Remembrance where past pupils, staff & parents are prayed for. Inside our churches and prayer rooms, the colour purple is displayed to remember those who have gone before us and outside, the feel of Winter is all around. The trees are almost bare & it gets dark earlier in the afternoon.
But Jesus reminds us in the Gospel that there is a new world beyond death. In this world of light and life we see God face to face. The world of mourning & separation are no more. This is a world where we will meet each other again and where we will meet Jesus Christ who is Risen.
Jesus encourages us to plug into this world in prayer –  in the Scriptures and in the Mass. Here we call to mind those who have died. We connect with the next world when we pray for all our needs and for the souls of all who have died. I sometimes use the image of the broadband signal for which today we all rely on more & more to connect with our email, the internet, Skype etc. We rely on it more and more to keep us connected but when the signal drops things can slow right down. When we pray and especially when we call to mind our loved ones gone before us, we are guaranteed an ‘always on’ signal because, night or day, Jesus is there waiting for us. And the signal will never drop from his side.
The good news for us is that thanks to our faith in Jesus Christ, handed to us by the very ones we often pray for – our parents, our grandparents, and those gone before us, we are reminded that after our death we will see God face to face.

Calendar: Mass Times and Intentions 

Mon. 11th  November: 32nd  week in Ordinary Time:.St. Martin of Tours, 335-97, bishop of Tours, apostle of rural Gaul,
founder of monasteries. Patron of France, soldiers, beggars and inn-keepers.
                     Bantry:                    10am             Dan Sullivan and his son Danny Sullivan - Reendonegan
Tues. 12th November: 32nd Week in Ordinary Time: St. Josaphat, bishop & martyr.
                     Bantry:                    10am             Jim O’Mahony – Market Street
Wed. 13th November: 32nd Week in Ordinary Time:
Bantry:                    10am             Peter & Frances O’Sullivan – Hospital Road
Hospital                   5.30pm         Deceased members of the McGrath Family
                                                     – Church Road & Beach

Thurs. 14th November: 32nd Week in Ordinary Time:. St. Laurence O’Toole, bishop,
became a monk & abbott of Glendalough. He died at Eu in Normandy seeking to make
peace between Henry II & the Irish rulers in 1180.
Bantry:                    10am             David O’Driscoll - Letterlickey
Friday 15th November: 32nd Week in Ordinary Time: St. Albert the Great. Bishop and
Doctor of the Church. Dominican theologian who taught in Cologne. Called the
‘Universal Teacher’ for the vast range of his interestes. Patron of Scientists.
                     Bantry:                    10am             Ellen O’Driscoll – Monavard & London
                     Kealkil;                    7.30pm         People of the Parish
Sat. 16th November: 32nd Week in Ordinary Time:
                     Hospital:                10am             Anna Marie Crowley – The Square, Bantry
                     Bantry:                    6.15pm         Michael Goggin – Barrack Street

Sun. 17th November: Thirty Third Sunday in  Ordinary Time
                     Bantry:                    9am                Mary Frances McCarthy - Gurteenroe  
                                                                           & Donal McCarthy – Seafield
                     Coomhola:               10am              Sean Healy - Corran
                     Kealkil:                    11am             Mary Creedon - Cappaboy
                     Bantry:                    12noon         People of the Parish                 

Formation for Ministers of the Eucharist and Word   

A Course for all new and existing Lay Readers and Ministers of the Eucharist will be held in the Westlodge Hotel on Monday November 11th at 7.30pm. All are requested to attend.
There will be a further meeting at the Westlodge Hotel for Eucharistic Ministers on Mon.18th Nov. at 7.30pm.  Ministers of the Word will meet again on Tues. Nov. 19th at 7.30pm.                                    

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Sunday 24th November
Feast of Christ the King

There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 12noon Mass which will conclude with a Holy Hour from 5pm-6pm.

Penintential Service 
Bantry Church on Tuesday 17th December. 
A number of priests will be available for Confessions.

Outstanding Station Areas in Kealkil— Mass at Kealkil Church on Thursday 21st  November at 7.30pm
Ahil, Ards, Breenybeg, Breenymore,  Cahermounteen, Cahermuckee, Cappabui N & S, Cappanaboul, Cousane, Cullinagh, Curryglass, Derryarkane, Derryfada, Dromaneasa, Dromlicacrue, Dromsullivan, Glounycarney, Gortlachra, Inchaclough, Incharoe, Kealkil, Kielnacnappogue, Lisheens, Lacavane, Lahernsheermeen, Leachareigh, Maugha, Maughnaclee,  Moularaha, Moulavanig, Moulakieve, Skehana. Traenmaddree

Mass for TOWN AREAS will be held on Monday, 25th November at Bantry Church at 7.30pm

Mass for outstanding BANTRY STATION AREAS will be held on Tuesday, 26th November at Bantry Church at 7.30pm.
Seskin, Seskin Lw/Caherdaniel West, Dromclough, Glencreagh, Parkanna, Scart, Gortacloona, Ardra South, Baurnagearagh, Reendesert, Dromcaol, Coomanore, Glenbanoo, Esknafeelna, Derrycreha, Ardnatrush Beg, Baurgorm, Milleeney, Ballylickey, Lahern, Gortagaree, Reendonegan, Goreemore, Dromdaniel, Crossoge, Dromloughlin, Dromaclarig, Ardnatrush, Snave, Ardnagashel, Gurteenroe, Ard na Gaoithe, Whiddy, Dromliath, Ardra North, Derrygrenagh South, Cahergullane, Raheen, Caherdaniel, Derrygreanaugh M & E,

Outstanding Station Areas in Coomhola—Mass in Coomhola Church on Wednesday 27th November at 7.30pm.
Snave, Ardnagashel, Ardnatrush, Dromgarbh, Drograne, Esknafeelna, Derrycreha, Ardnatrush Beag, Ardnacloughy, Corrycomade, Cooryleary, Dromduv, Millbeg, Baurnagearagh, Reendesert, Dromcaol, Cappadayourdil, Coolennlemane, Coorloum, Derryduve, Farrnafadda, Inchinagown, Kealanine, Millbeg, Rangeroo
The Parish dues may be returned on the night

A Community choir is being formed in Bantry people of all ages welcome from (16) upwards. Open Night in The Maritime Hotel on Monday Nov 18th from 7.30pm til 9.00pm. Musical director Katy Salvidge, Baltimore Choirs. Contact Nora Edgeworth 0861948074 or – Blood Donor Clinic
The Maritime Hotel, Bantry.
Thursday 14th November : 3pm-5pm and 7pm-9pm
Donor Line: 1850 731 137

Offertory Collection: Bantry Church last weekend (including The Feast of All Saints): €2922
Special Collection for Catholic Marriage Support takes place on November 16th/17th
Church Renovation Fund Collection will take place on November 23rd /24th

Altar Servers
A warm welcome and sincere thanks to our new & existing altar servers (and their parents) in our three Churches for volunteering with us.
We look forward to their years of service here in Bantry Parish

Be Generous with God
A very rich man who had lived a selfish, luxurious life died and went up to heaven, The Lord who loves us all, brought him to Heaven. An angel was sent to show him his house. They passed many lovely mansions and each time the rich man thought: “This must be mine.”
But the angel did not stop and kept leading him on. They passed through the main street and arrived at the outskirts where the houses were very small. Finally they came to a miserable hut. “This is yours” said the angel. “There must be some mistake”, replied the rich man. “No” the angel answered, “there is no mistake. This was the best we could do with the materials you sent up.”

French Grinds for Leaving & Junior Certificate – Special Recession rates. Contact Ann Creedon on 086-3781407

Tickets on Sale Now:- Fr. Liam Lawton  “A Celtic Christmas" tour in St Finbarrs Church Bantry on Sunday 15th December at 8pm. Tickets are €20 are on sale now from the Parish Office, De Barra's restaurant, Floury Hands and Quik Pick. Monies raised will go towards the church renovation fund

Time to Upskill  - Train the Trainer (FETAC Level 6) will be starting late November in Bantry. For more details please contact Siobhan on 065-6825269  /
087-1413630 or email  Siobhan

ALIVE FREE CATHOLIC paper (November edition)  is available at church porches.
Please take one and some for your family and friends.