Monday 10 June 2013


The tenth Sunday in ordainary time  
       Sunday June 9th  2013               
Calendar: Mass Times and Intentions
Mon. 10th  June: 10th week in Ordinary Time:
Bantry:          10am                       Nora Twomey
Tues. 11th June: 10th Week in Ordinary Time: St. Barnabas apostle: was born on the island of Cyprus. He was one of
the first converts in Jerusalem and preached at Antioch. He became a companion of St. Paul and went with him on his first
missionary journey, and he took part in the council of Jerusalem. He returned to his native land to preach the Gospel and
they he died.
Bantry:          10.00am,                 Adelaide & Harvey Finnegan – Marino Street
Wed. 12th June: 10th Week in Ordinary Time:
Bantry           10.00am                  John Keohane – Slip Lawn
Hospital;       5.30pm                    Jeremiah McCarthy – Blackrock Terrace
Thurs 13th June: 10th Week in Ordinary Time:.St. Anthony of Padua, priest and doctor of the Church: died in Padua
In 1231 at the age of 36. Born in Portugal he had joined the Franciscans & preached against heresy through France & Italy
Bantry:          10am                       Con & Eileen O’Callaghan – Bantry Bay Hotel
Friday 14th June: 10th Week in Ordinary Time:  St. Davnet: virgin: lived and died at Tydavent at Sliabh Beagh,
Co.Monaghan. Tradition speaks of St.Davnet as a vigin & founder of a church or monastery. A bachall (staff) said to have
been hers has been preserved and in the past it was used as a test of truth.
Bantry:          10am                       Bridie McCarthy – Ardra, Scart & Eileen Brown - Seskin
Kealkil:         7.30pm                    Den Cullinane - Gearagh
Sat. 15th June: 10th Week in Ordinary Time:
Hospital        10am                       Willie Goggin – 56 Reenrour East – 1st Anniversary
Bantry:          6.15pm                    Michael O’Sullivan – Dromleigh North
Sun.  16th June: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time:
  Bantry:             9am                    Michael J. O’Sullivan – Dromleigh North
Coomhola:        10am       Harry & Mary O’Leary - Inchinagown
 Kealkil:            11am                   Denis & Peg O’Leary – Whiddy Island
Bantry:              12noon                People of the Parish

Corpus Christi Procession
We offer our sincere thanks to everyone involved in last Sunday’s Processions, in Kealkil and in Bantry Town. Many people have come together over the years to help us and many new people have offered their services. We are very grateful that our public prayer can be expressed in this way and that you all prayed and walked on such a lovely day. The Hour of Meditation before the Blessed Sacrament was also a very welcome new feature, in solidarity with the Hour of Pope Francis in Rome.                                                                                                    Fr Donal.
Blessing of St Anthony’s Lillies on 13th June
Thursday June 13th is the feast day of St.Anthony. We encourage everyone to bring Lillies to be blessed at the 10.00 o’clock Mass on that day.
St. Colum’s Overnight Pilgrimage to Knock
6th – 7th July 2013
To book please contact: Matt O’Sullivan -66031, May Murphy – 56632, Mary Holland - 63384

We congratulate Laura Sullivan & Peter McAuliffe  who were married in The Church of the Immaculate Conception, Kealkil on Friday, 31st  May
                           We wish Laura & Peter  long and happy lives together





Diocesan Bible Study Certificate                       

Are you interested in knowing more about the Scriptures?  Have you started to read the Bible but would like a better understanding?
We are pleased to announce a new initiative that will open the door to a deeper understanding of the Bible.  The course aims to help participants to become familiar with the different aspects of the Bible through short accessible modules.  A new module will be offered spring and autumn for two years, both in the city and Dunmanway. The first module will be of 4 weeks duration and the others will be six weeks long.  No written assignments or exams are required.
Each module will explore a different aspect of the scriptures, where they come from and what they mean.  There will be a variety of different contributors. The first module ‘What is the Bible? – An Introduction to the Sacred Scriptures’ will be offered on four Thursday nights October 3rd 7.30-9.30pm.  This module will be presented by Fr Ben Hegarty OP and Fr. Sean O’Sullivan.   It will be held in The West Cork Education Centre, Dunmanway.  The cost will be €50 per module.  All welcome. Places limited.
For further details and to book please contact Anne Francis 087-228-2134 or 

Recent Parish Baptisms:
Caoimhe Gráinne Sheedy
(Gurtacloona, Bantry)
We welcome her into our Christian Community

Died Recently
We extend our prayers & sympathy to the family, relatives & friends of
Timothy (Ted) Maguire (Rossbarra Avenue, Deerpark, Friars Walk, Cork & Coorycomade, Coomhola, Bantry), 
 May he rest in peace
Caheragh parish is proud to celebrate, in 2013, the golden jubilee of the Church of the Holy Family in Caheragh. It is much more than just a building but a place where Jesus is present and people gather to express their faith, hope and love. It is, like so many other churches, a truly special place where people of all ages assemble for happy and sad events in their lives. Therefore, it is fitting to give thanks to God and His people for the half-century of faith and worship in this fine church. A Jubilee Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 30th June at 3.30pm in the church and a dinner-dance function will be held that evening in the West Cork Hotel at 8pm. Tickets (€25) for the dinner-dance will be available after Masses over the coming weekends in Caheragh (Sunday 11.15am) and Dromore (Saturday Vigil 8pm). Also from members of the Jubilee Committee on the following numbers: 028-31306 or 086-8969334 or 087-6855938.

Coffee Morning for Argentina

Diarmaid Linehan is a final year medical student in UCC and is going on placement to Mendoza, Argentina for an 8 week medical elective during the summer. To raise funds for much needed medical supplies in a health system lacking basic primary care for its poorest citizens he is hosting a coffee morning on this Friday 14th June in his home at Doireliath Bed and Breakfast Newtown from 10am - 1pm. Your support would be greatly appreciated
Plant and Cake Sale in Glengarriff Hall on Sunday 16th June at 12.00pm. All proceeds go to Derrycreha National School.
Traditional Latin Mass (Missal of Blessed John XXIII) will be offered on Thursday, June 20th, 7.30 pm at St Finbarr's Church, Bantry by kind permission of Fr Donal Cotter P.P. The celebrant will be Fr. Joseph T. Lienhard S.J., Professor of Theology at Fordham University, New York

Bantry Parish & Friends Pilgrimage to Lourdes
22nd – 27th September 2013
Accompanied by Spiritual Director.
Accommodation at the Agena Hotel
Please see Church Porches for details
                                       & Parish Office for booking forms
A  £500  Bingo  Session  will take place  at The  Community   Hall,   Ards,   Mealagh  Valley  on  Friday  June  14th.  at  8.30P.M..  The  usual  Bus Service  will Run from  Bantry.   Your   continued Support  would be greatly appreciated. Also  on Saturday  June  15th.  a Ceili  will be  held  in Our  Hall.  Music will be by  Donie   Nolan  &  Taylors  Cross  and starts  at 9.30P.M.
West Cork Wheelers is holding a family fun day in aid of Bantry Hospice on Fathers Day Sunday 16th June at Bridge House, Pearson’s Bridge @ 3pm.  Barbecue, bouncing castle, music & entertainment.  The West Cork Wheelers are undertaking a day cycle from Malin Head to Mizen Head July 2013 to raise much needed funds for Bantry Hospice.
To mark the retirement of teacher Mairead Murphy the Board of Management of Coomhola School invite all parents, past pupils and members of the community to a function in the church/school on Friday 14th June at 7.45 p.m. to celebrate Mairead's contribution to the school community for the past 35 years.


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