Year of Faith Gougane Sunday
The sixteenth Sunday in ordinary time
Sunday july 21st 2013
We welcome Fr. Martin Keohane and Fr. Sean Crowley to Bantry and pray God's blessing on them as they begin their ministry in the parish.
The Deep End – Martha Ministers
Mary & Martha are stressed out with all the work they have to do. Jesus has arrived, probably with an entourage who are no doubt hungry. This small passage has created much interest from biblical scholars over the years. For some, it suggests that Jesus is favouring prayer and reflection over action. For others, it justifies the role of women in the Church as concerned with hospitality. Many would disagree, and see Mary’s place at Jesus’ feet as a clear sign of a disciple learning from their teacher. Luke places a special emphasis in his Gospel on the wider circle of Jesus’ disciples, and names the women who followed him.
Luke also uses a specific work
to refer to the ‘many tasks’ that Martha was concerned about: diakonia – a word that he uses elsewhere
in Luke and Acts to refer to ministry and service in a community. It is from
this word that we get the word ‘deacon’. Whatever interpretation we want to
make, this is a beautiful passage about service, the importance of prayer,
discipleship and ministry in all its forms.
When we are bogged down in the
craziness around us, Jesus is clear about the way forward. First, sit and
listen to him. This is good advice. Then we may be better prepared for the
challenges that we face, whether they be in our homes or our wider communities.
Jane Mellet (email:
Calendar: Mass Times and Intentions
Mon. 22nd July: 16th
Week in Ordinary Time: St. Mary Magdalene stood by the cross of Jesus: with two
Women she discovered the empty tomb: she was granted an appearance of the
Risen Lord early the same day,
from which incident she has been described as the ‘apostle to the
apostles’. The gospels gave no warrant for
identifying her with the ‘woman who was a sinner’ who anointed Christ’s
feet or with Mary the sister of Martha
who also anointed him.
Bantry: 10am Dr.
Jerry & Nancy O’Mahony – Blackrock Terrace
Tues. 23rd
July: 16th Week in Ordinary
Time: St. Bridget
of Sweden, religious, patron of Europe. Born 1303,
she brought up 8 children & after the death of her husband dedicated
herself to an ascetical life. Later she
founded the Bridgettine Order and lived in Rome. She wrote many works
about her mystical experiences. She
died in Rome in 1373. She was declared aPatron of Europe in 2000.
Bantry: 10.00am Con & Eileen
O’Callaghan – The Square, Bantry
Wed. 24th
July: 16th Week in Ordinary
Time:St. Declan; considered
one of the pre-Patrician saints. He was of noble blood. Colman, a local priest,
baptised him. Later he went to Europe to continue his studies wher he was
ordained priest and possibly bishop. He settled in Ardmore & evangelised
the Decies country.
Bantry 10.00am Bertie
& Nora Healy - Newtown
Hospital; 5.30pm Donal
O’Sullivan – Rock Villas
Thurs 25th
July: 16th Week in Ordinary Time:.St. James,
Apostle. Son of Zebedee & brother of John, called
the Greater. He was put to death by Herod Agrippa about
the year 44, being the first of the
Apostles to die for
Christ. His shrine is at Compostella in Spain.
Bantry: 10am Neilie Johnson –
Gilhooley Terrace
Friday 26th July: 16th
Week in Ordinary Time: Ss Joachim &
Anne. Tradinally named parents of the
Virgin Mary and grandparents
of the Lord. St. Anne is patron of Canada, women in labour, miners, cabinet
makers and home-makers.
Bantry: 10am Mary Daly -
Kealkil: 7.30pm Daniel
O’Sullivan - Gortloughera
Sat. 27th
July: 16th Week in Ordinary
Hospital 10am John & Molly
Scully – Maughnasilly, Kealkil
Bantry: 6.15pm Jackie O’Leary –
Sun. 28th July: 17th
Sunday in Ordinary Time:
Bantry: 9am Tom Hodnett – Castleconnell, Limerick &
Coomhola: 10am
Jim Harrington – Cooryleary, Coomhola
Kealkil: 11am
Alan Manning - Carriganass
Bantry: 12noon
People of the Parish
Bantry Parish
& Friends Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Accompanied by Spiritual Director;
Fr. Martin Keohane P.P.
Accommodation at
the Agena Hotel
Please see Church
Porches for details
& Parish Office
for booking forms
congratulate Elaine Daly (Florida ,
USA & Bantry) & Patrick Courtney (Ardnageehy Beg, Bantry) who were married in St. Finbarr’s
Church, Bantry on Saturday, 13th July.
wish Elaine & Patrick long and happy lives together.
We extend our prayers
& sympathy to the families, relatives & friends of
Dan (Danny)
Margaret Regan
(Seskin, Bantry)
May they rest
in peace
Bingo will be held at Mealagh
Valley Community Hall on Thursday July 25th. at
8.30P.M.. Jackpot on the night. Bus leaves Durrus Village at 7.45P.M.
and Bantry at 8.05P.M.. Your
support would be greatly appreciated.
45 Card Drive
will be held on Saturday 27th July at 9.30pm sharp in the Mealagh Valley
Community Centre. Entry fee 10.00. All Welcome.
A Car Boot Sale & Cake Sale will take
place at the hall on Sunday 28th July 2.00pm - 5.00pm.
This is a great chance to get rid of unwanted items or get a bargain.
€10.00 per car. Must be set up before
2.00pm. Proceeds go towards the hall renovation
fund & Dromclough
School .
For each new morning with its
For rest and shelter of the
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything Thy Goodness
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
Leaving Certificate
and Junior Certificate French – Summer Courses in August.
For further
information please contact Ann Creedon
on 086-3781407
Telephone Numbers
01-8420700. West Cork after hours service –
087-6114946 (after 7pm)
SUICIDE Prevention
Helpline 1800 742 745: a free phone help-line open daily from 6.00pm — 10.00pm for
people who are feeling
suicidal or equally for a family
member or friend who is concerned about someone.
Living Links –supporting the relatives and
other survivors of suicide: Tom Corcoran 085 2445575
Bantry Care for the Aged / Daycare Centre /
Housing / Meals on Wheels: Tel: 087-9246582
ACCORD: Marriage
/Relationship Counselling – Tel.
027-50272 or
West Cork Carers Support
Group: Bantry, Tel; 02753848. Check for support, courses and
Legion of Mary : contact Sheila at 027 51868
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