Sunday 4 August 2013

The  eighteenth Sunday in ordinary time  
 Sunday August 4th 2013   
Do an internet search for ‘middle class problems’ or ‘first world problem’ and you’ll find lists of complaints about just how challenging modern life can be. There are gems such as ‘I can’t believe I bought a toaster with no bagel setting’; ‘Had to turn down the brightness on the iPad because it hurt my eyes’; or ‘My freezer is too full and stuffs falls out every time I open it’.
They are tongue in cheek, of course, but they do highlight our tendency to worry about material things, and to forget what is important. Most of us do tend to accumulate possessions over time. Many of us like to have the latest phone or laptop, furniture, clothes or car. The character in today’s Gospel had such a good harvest of crops that he ran out of space. He built bigger bars and then sat back to ‘eat, drink, have a good time’ – a phrase which is often translated into the popular expression ‘eat, drink and be merry!’ Yet things did not go according to plan.
Today’s readings offer us an opportunity to examine our relationship with possessions. The Vikings believed you could take riches with you when you died, and filled boats with treasures to take into the afterlife. We know that we come into this world with nothing and leave with nothing. Rather than collecting riches for ourselves, our thoughts should be on ‘heavenly things, not on the things that are on the earth.’ What treasures are important to us?                                                                                                          Triona Doherty (email:

Calendar: Mass Times and Intentions :–
Mon. 5th August: 18th:
                     Bantry:                    10am             Jim O’Mahony – High Street
Tues. 6th August:
                     Bantry:                    10.00am        Diarmuid O’Regan -Ballylickey
                     Abbey Cemetary Mass at 7.30pm – Mass will be celebrated in Bantry Church in the event of rain.
Wed. 7th August:
St. Sixtus II, pope, & his four deacon companions were put to death in 258. St. Cajetan, 1480-1547,
founded the Teatines to renew sacramental life in the Church
                     Bantry                     10.00am        Special Intention
Hospital;                  5.30pm         Denis Cronin (died recently in England)

Thurs 8th August:
St. Dominic,Priest, 1170-1221, a Spaniard who founded the Order of
Preachers (Dominicans) to conteract the Albigensian heresy.
Bantry:                    10am             Mary O’Grady - Ardnagaoithe
Friday 9th August:
St. Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein): born 1891 at Breslaw (now Wroclaw, Poland) the youngest
of seven children of a Jewish family. A brilliant student, she gained her doctorate in philosophy at 25.
Became a Catholic in1922 and a Carmelite nun. Both Jewish & Catholic, she fled to Holland when the Nazis
came to power but she was captured and sent to Auschwitz where she died in its gas chamber on 9th August 1942.  
Bantry:                    10am             Donal Creedon - Ards
Kealkil:                    7.30pm         Richard & Mary Walsh -  Cork City and Bantry
Sat. 10th August:
St. Lawrence, died 258, is seen as the cheerful giver since he was one of
the 7 deacons of the Roman Church in charge of the material needs of the faithful.
Gifted with a sense of humour, he met his death cheerfully on a gridiron.
From earliest times seen not only as a patron saint of the poor, but also of cooks.
                     Hospital                   10am             Bridie Boland
                     Bantry:                    6.15pm         Delia Dullea – Lisheens, Kealkil
Sun. 11th August:
                     Bantry:                         9am           Mary Cronin - Drombroe
                     Coomhola:                   10am         Jeremiah & Katie Lucey - Coorloum
                     Kealkil:                        11am         Mary & Patrick Hurley &
                                                                            their son Dan Hurley - Ardnatrush
                     Bantry:                        12noon     People of the Parish        

Graveyard Mass:
There will be Mass at the Abbey Graveyard on Tuesday, 6th August at 7.30pm.

In the event of rain Mass will be celebrated in St. Finbarr’s Church, Bantry.

Whiddy Graveyard Mass
Saturday 10th August Mass will be celebrated at 12 noon at Whiddy Island Graveyard.
                                   Boats will leave Bantry Pier at 11am  

We congratulate Emma Kearney (Riverway, Ballylickey, Bantry) & Daniel McSweeney (Carriganass, Kealkil) who were married in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Kealkil on Saturday, 27th July.

We wish Emma & Daniel long and happy lives together.                      

Died Recently
We extend our prayers & sympathy to the families, relatives & friends of
Daniel (Dan) O’Rourke
(Incharoe, Kealkil)

May he rest in peace

Recent Parish Baptisms:  
Darragh Cremin & Grace Cremin
Nathan Maxwell O’Donovan
(Dromleigh South)
Mary Harte Keohane  
(High Street, Bantry),
Grace Mary Crowley
(Coilldubh, Co.Kildare)
Molly May Murphy Darby
(Ardnacloughy, Ballylickey)
We welcome them into our Christian Community

Knock Consecration – August 15th,  2013
"Ireland will be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on August 15. The hierarchy has announced plans to travel to the Marian shrine in Knock, Co. Mayo on that date to perform the ceremony entrusting the wellbeing of the Irish to the Blessed Virgin.

Archbishop Eamon Martin, coadjutor Archbishop of Armagh will be the principal celebrant of the Mass on that day with Cardinal Seán Brady, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All-Ireland leading the consecration.

According to a statement from the Catholic Communications Office: “The consecration will ask Our Lady to intercede for the people of Ireland and to take their needs to her Son.” The statement added that in the Year of Faith, “it is fitting that the act of consecrating Ireland takes place since it calls to mind the woman of faith par excellence and asks for her prayers for the people of this country”.

Youth 2000 Summer Festival,
Cistercian College, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. From Thursday 15th to Sunday 18th August 2013. For young people 16-35, an opportunity not to be missed to experience the Catholic faith & meet many new people. Nicknamed the ‘Holy Oxegen’ with over 1000 young people from all corners attending last year. For info. & to book online see or tel. 01-6753690 or join us on facebook (youthtwothousandireland)

The Bantry Hospice Project Walk will take place on Monday 5th of August at 1.30pm from the Bantry Bay Hotel and take the route out to the Abbey, past the Westlodge Hotel, around the Rope Walk, down past the Boston Bar & Post Office & return to the Bantry Bay Hotel, this will be followed by BBQ and face painting for all the family.  Pre registration will take place in the Bantry Bay Hotel from 12 noon  Entry fee is €10 per person & €20 per family.

'Keith Cronin Rallying' Fundraising Launch will take place at Carriganass Castle, Kealkill from 8pm-Midnight on Friday 9th August. Music and BBQ. Supporters club membership and merchandise available on the night. Please support Keith on his quest for WRC3 success. All are welcome

Mealagh  Valley  Bingo  at the Community  Hall,  Ards on Thursday August  8th.  at 8.30P.M. Bus leaves  Durrus  Village  at 7.45P.M.  & Bantry at 8.05  P.M. Jackpot on the  night.  Your support  is greatly  appreciated.

St Colums Cúl Camp! The St. Colum's GAA Cúl Camp will take place August 19th-23rd. Children aged 6-13 can attend. Sign up now atùlcamp. Please contact Tom Farley on 086 851 1293 for more info.

There will be a Blood Pressure Clinic held at the Bantry Primary Care Health Centre, Maritime Hotel, Bantry on Wednesday, 7th August 2013 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  All are welcome to attend this free, confidential service being offered by the Health Service Executive and your local Public Health Nurse.  It is important for people of all ages to have their blood pressure checked on a regular basis.” 

Offertory Collection: Bantry Church weekend of 27th / 28th July: €2218.
Month of July: Coomhola:€1115; Kealkil:€1475
August Church Renovation Special Collection: takes place next weekend – August 10th / 11th. Thank you for your great support & generosity.

Alert : Job Seeker’s Allowance and Family Income Supplement Recipients:If you are in receipt of Job Seeker’s Allowance for over 6 months with children under 7 years of age, or if you are in receipt of Family Income Supplement or the Winter Fuel Allowance, you are eligible for the Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme. This is a Free Insulation scheme for attic and cavity wall insulation, and the service is free of charge for all eligible households. All applicant houses must be owner occupied and have been built prior to 2002. To apply, please ring West Cork Development Partnership in Bantry on 02752266 or email  For information please see our web site or

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