Wednesday 19 March 2014


The  Second Sunday of lent

Calendar: Mass Times and Intentions :–

Mon. 17th  March:  2nd  week of Lent:
Bantry:      9am               Denis Cronin – Coomanore & Dublin
Coomhola:10am            Pat HarringtonKealanine, Coomhola
Kealkil:   11am               People of the Parish
Bantry:   12noon            People of the Parish 

Tues. 18th March:2nd   week of Lent: St. Aengus
Bantry:    10am               Annie Downey - Dromduve
Bantry:   7.30pm            Gerald O’Sullivan – Marino Street

Wed. 19th March:  2nd  week of Lent:
Bantry:    10am                   Seanie Kearns - Lahadane
Hospital:  5.30pm                Joan & Pat Daly - Slip

Thurs. 20th March: 2nd week of Lent:
Bantry:     10am                 Robert Lynch – Ballinlough, Cork
Bantry:    7.30pm       Marcus O’Leary – Mallow & Bantry
Friday  21st March: 2nd week of Lent:
Note: No 10am morning Mass due to Confirmations
Kealkil;    7.30pm            Jack & Kit O’Sullivan - Gearagh
Sat.  22nd March:  2nd week of Lent:
Hospital: 10am               Francis Dineen – St. Canneras Place  
Bantry:    6.15pm            James (1st Anniversary) & Mary                                             
                                        Burke – Droumaduneen, Donemark
Bantry:   7.00pm            Mass in Polish

Sun.  23rd March: Third Sunday of Lent
Bantry:         9am             Pat McCarthy – Seskin
Coomhola:  10am             Bridie O’Brien – Coomhola Bridge
Kealkil:       11am            John & Bridie Cronin - Cahermuckee
Bantry:        12noon        People of the Parish


Every Mass we celebrate is offered for ‘the Pope, the Bishop, the whole order of bishops, all the clergy & the entire people’. Therefore, as is said in the Eucharisitic Prayer everyone is included in the intentions of every Mass.
Canon Law states that it is in order for a priest to accept a donation to apply the Mass for a special intention. The request for Masses far exceeds the number of Masses being celebrated in the parish. This was discussed at a recent Parish Assembly meeting & the suggestion of ‘Shared Massed’ was offered.
A ‘shared Mass’ means that the Mass offered would have multiple intentions remembered. A ‘Shared Mass’ can be booked, as normal, through the Parish Office and the intention written into a book specially for the intentions of ‘Shared Masses’. This book will then be placed on the altar during the ‘shared Mass’ keeping the names & intentions present during the Mass. (We are familiar with this during the November Novena).

From the 6th of June (First Friday) of this year the First Friday Masses celebrated in Bantry & Kealkil each month will be ‘Shared Masses’. Booking can be made as usual through the Parish Office. The option of including an individual intention remains at all other Masses celebrated in the parish.

Confirmation Day
Bishop Buckley will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to the children of St. Finbarr’s B.N.S., Our Lady of Mercy N.S. & St. Brendan’s School at 10.30am on Friday 21st  March next.
Please note that there will be no morning Mass at 10am and there will be limited parking only in the Church Grounds on the day.

Seachtain na Gaeilge
Beatha Teanga
 í labhairt
Tír gan Teanga
Tír gan Anam
Beannachtaí na Feile Pádraigh

Pope Francis has announced an important lenten initiative in relation to the Sacrament of Confession. 
The Holy Father has  asked that  a church in each Diocese  throughout the world would be designated for Continuous Confessions from Friday evening , March 28th to Saturday evening, March 29th, the eve of Laetare Sunday. Pope Francis has continually emphasised the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the context of New Evangelisation and in the context for the need for the Priest to be merciful to those who come. He has also stressed the need for frequent confession.  In that regard, Pope Francis himself will hear Confessions in St. Peter's in Rome.
Confession is an important part of the Lenten observance and is a Sacrament of welcome and mercy for the penitent.  
In the Diocese of Cork and Ross,  St. Francis Church in Liberty Street has been designated for this purpose and priests from many religious orders and the Diocese will be available throughout the day and night to hear confessions there.  It is a church in the city associated with confession and I appreciate the assistance of the Franciscan Community in this regard. 
Bishop Buckley said that confession of ones sins and a
return to the Gospel has always been an important
part of the Church's lenten observance.  He commend
this initiative wholeheartedly and will hear confessions
himself in St. Francis' at that time.  

Please take a Trocaire Box this Lent.
Available at Church Porches.

St Colums lotto Jackpot has reached the huge amount of €2,500. The next draw is on Saturday the 22nd of March in the Brown Pub Kealkil. Make sure to get your tickets to be in with a chance of winning that massive €2,500 jackpot. Yearly tickets are also available at a special rate of 3 for €100 so you are sure you will never miss out on a draw. 

Cork Cancer Research Appeal:
In former Timberland shop, William St. from
Monday March 31st –Tues. April 8th (9.30am-5.30pm).
Donated items will be collected at the shop (10am-4pm) on Fri, Sat & Sun March 28th-30th. Further details: Nora Cremin (027-51276). Please help us to support this great cause. Together we can make a difference.

Arthritis Ireland lecture by Prof. Gerry Wilson, UCD;  “Working on a Cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis” : Rochestown Park Hotel on  Wed 26th March 7.30pm. Admission free. Booking essential:- Book online:  or Call 1890 252 846.

Died Recently:
We extend our prayers & sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of ;
Esther (Nora) Lyons (nee Cronin)
(Cork & late of Loughadeveen, Bantry)
Margaret (Mags) Dineen
(Milleeney, Baurgorm)
Daniel J. (Danny Joe) O’Sullivan
(Maulraha, Kealkil),
Jerry Murphy
(Dublin & late of Breenymore)
                                                May they Rest in Peace 

Stations of the Cross
Sundays 16th March – 5pm
St. Finbarr’s Church, Bantry
To help us to ‘undertake a more fruitful Lenten Journey’ the Stations of the Cross will be led by the students of Colaiste Pobail Bheanntrai.  We will gather at each Sunday in Bantry Church and invite you to journey with Jesus on His road to Calvary

Spring Stations 2014
Wednesday 26th March @ 8pm – Tony & Martina Connolly – Cahernacrin, Drombroe, Derrincaolig

Saturday 29th March @ 11am – Ann & John Kingston – Lisheens, Traenamaddree.

Friday 4th April @ 8pm– Liz & Martin O’Mahony - Donemark, Lahaden, Carribui, Dromafinchin, Dromachapaill, Dromaduneen.

Friday 11th April @ 8pm – Eugene Buckley – Skahana, Dromsullivan, Inchaclough

Tuesday 15th April @ 11am – Ted & Margaret Cronin – Leachareigh, Derryfadda, Cappabui North, Lacavane, Maugha
It is hoped to have Station Masses for Spring 2014 during the months of March & April. If you are thinking of hosting the Spring Stations this year, we would ask you to please contact the parish office (56398) to arrange a date.

Offertory Collection: Bantry Church
weekend of
8th / 9th March: €2134
          Special collection  Irish Bishops Commissions last weekend: €2065 

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