Sunday, 15 February 2015


The sixth Sunday in ordinary time
sunday  15th  February 2015   

 Calendar: Mass Times and Intentions :–
Mon. 16th  Feb: 6th week in Ordinary Time:
Bantry: 10am –  Bridie Cronin – Georges Row

Tues. 17th Feb: 6th week in Ordinary Time:
Bantry:   10am – Geraldine Coakley - Snave
Wed. 18th Feb: Ash Wednesday:
Bantry: 10am  Dermot Hurley - Drimoleague
Kealkil: 11.30am
Hospital: 5.30pm
Coomhola: 7.30pm: Prayer Service
Thurs. 19th Feb: After Ash Wednesday:
Bantry:  10.00 am:  Annie May O’Mahony – Glandore Bantry: 7.30pm Hannie Harrington – Georges Row                                                  (Months Mind)           
Friday 20th Feb: After Ash Wednesday:
Bantry  10am  Mai O’Mahony – Market Street
Kealkil: 7.30pm: Teresa Keohane (Australia) & Ellen McCarthy (England) – both late of Pearsons Bridge
Sat. 21st Feb: After Ash Wednesday:
Hospital:10am;  Cornelius, Brigid & John Hurley
Bantry: 6.15pm   John Casey – Cahernacrin (1st anniv.)

Sun. 22nd Feb:  First Sunday of Lent:
Bantry:  9am:  James Andrews- Scart Road
Coomhola: 10am: Sean & Eileen Holland - Kealanine
Kealkil:      11am  John, Betty & Sean McCarthy –    Cappabui North, Kealkil
Bantry:    12noon  People of the Parish

Ash Wednesday Mass Times
          10.00am     Bantry
          11.30am     Kealkil
          5.30pm       Hospital Chapel
There will be a Prayer Service with distribution of Ashes in St. Joseph’s Church, Coomhola at 7.30pm on Ash Wednesday.

There will be evening Mass at 7.30pm during Lent on Tuesdays & Thursdays in Bantry Church

Every year during Lent we recall that Jesus was beaten, whipped, mocked, crowned with thorns, and nailed to a cross. Our faith teaches us that He endured this agony and suffering, and died for us. By His suffering, Jesus gave meaning to all of our suffering.

Jesus did not come to explain away suffering or remove it; He came to fill it with His presence. This Lent we will unite our own personal suffering with His.

Each one of us has some amount of suffering or hurt in our life, sometimes dating from our past. Petitions symbolise the hurt that is contained in our lives and community.

During Lent we invite anyone with any unresolved grief or pain, or any kind or hurt, to place their petitions in the basket at the side of the Sanctuary. Your petitions represent the pain, grief or hurt in your life. It may be associated with;

v  Grief at death or separation
v  The pain of broken relationships
v  The pain of sickness
v  The pain of being misunderstood
v  The struggle of sexual identity
v  The pain of failure
v  Pain of living with an alcoholic partner, parent or child
v  The hurt of the past
What is unique about this spiritual exercise is that you will be able to recognise your own grief and suffering and understand that so many others share similar worries. Please feel free at any time during the coming weeks to place petitions in the basket.

Ash Wednesday: 18th  February: Day of Fast & Abstinence: Start of Lent
Each Sunday evening during Lent, members of our community will lead us in praying the Stations of the Cross at 5pm. We invite all to attend. If you wish to lead or be involved in any way, please contact members of Parish Assembly.

Bantry Parish Mission

What is a Parish Mission?
A Parish Mission is a time to come together, to think about our lives in the light of the Gospel, to celebrate our faith and deepen our sense of belonging to our local parish community.
We will have an opportunity to do this during our Parish Mission with St. Patrick’s Community from the 9th to the 13th of March 2015.
This Mission is for the whole Parish – all are invited!

Mission Prayer
Heavenly Father,
We pray that our Parish Mission may be a time of grace and renewal for all.
We ask you to bless all the families in our Parish especially those who are experiencing difficulties.
Bless the old, the young, the poor, the sick, the unemployed and those in sorrow or despair.
Help us dear Lord to grow in faith and love of you. Amen

Died Recently:

We extend our prayers & sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of;
May Cronin (nee O’Leary)  – Lahern, Ballylickey, Bantry.

Anne McDevitt (nee O’Sullivan) – Glengarriff & late of Larkhill Road, Sligo

May they rest in peace.

Spring Station Masses 2015
It is hoped to have Station Masses for Spring 2015 starting on 17th January, and continuing through February, March & April.
If you are thinking of hosting the Spring Stations next year, we would ask you to please contact the parish office (56398) to arrange a date.
Spring Stations 2015

Friday 20th February @ 11am – John & Marion Minehane: Donemark, Lahadane, Carrigbui, Dromafinchin, Dromachapaill, Dromaduneen.

Friday 20th February @ 8pm – John & Kathleen O’Leary - Borlin

Saturday 21st March @ 11am – Pat & Joan O’Mahony
Carriganass, Ahil, Geragh

Recent Parish Baptisms:
Patrick Keane
(Caherdaniel, Bantry),

We welcome him into our Christian Community
The World Day of Prayer Service for 2015 will take place at 8pm on Friday 6th March
at Bantry Hospital Chapel.
All women and men are welcome to attend. The Women of the Bahamas who compiled the service based on the theme of Jesus’ Words.  ‘Do you know what I have done to you’ (John 13:1-17).
There will be three preliminary Bible Studies (10.30am-12noon) on Wednesdays 18th & 25th February and 4th March at St. Brendan’s Church.

Adult Night Classes in Coláiste Pobail Bheanntraí
 Registration now available for the following courses starting Tuesday 24th and Thursday 26 February
 Beauty and Make Up (Tues 8.00 – 9.30) for 4 Weeks. Cost: €55. Advanced Digital Photography (Thurs 7. – for 6 Weeks. Cost: €85. Further Info. email     or telephone 027 56434. 

National Learning Network, West Cork. Are you looking for a job and need to retrain or up-skill? We provide personalised training and support to people who, for a variety of reasons, may find it difficult to gain employment or access to higher education or training. A wide range of FREE practical and certified training opportunities are on offer in West Cork. No qualifications necessary.  Social Welfare entitlements unaffected and training provided throughout the calendar year. For further information and transport details contact: Mary Deane on 027 51027 or

The 4 Valley’s Social Club: Coomhola, Borlin, Kealkil, Mealagh Valley:        Are you 60 or over? Why not join the 4 Valley’s Social Club once a month for a meal and a variety of social events including; outings, music, dancing, singing, craft, cards and bingo. An opportunity to meet people, have fun and be part of a great group. For further information contact Anne Harrington, Co-ordinator - 086 726 1086. Photographic Exhibition of the Group – Bantry Library  from the 3rd – 21st Feb. & Mealagh Valley Hall from 2nd - 14th March

Offertory Collection:
Bantry Church weekend of  7th / 8th : €1844. Special Collection for Lourdes Invalid Fund last weekend: Bantry Parish: €1990

 Pastoral Teams for Funerals: Meeting of the Funeral Team at 8.00pm on Tuesday, February 17th in St. Finbarr’s Church, Bantry.

MINDLINK – Free lecture – Wednesday Feb. 18th at 7.45pm in the Maritime Hotel. Rod Briggs, Founder, has helped people from all walks of life worldwide to live a better quality,  balanced life. Rod lectures on stress control, personal performance, goals, relationships etc. Details from Mary 085 - 1215984

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