Saturday 14 September 2013

The  twenty Fourth Sunday in ordinary time  
                          Sunday 15th September 2013    

The feast of The Triumph of the Cross  which we celebrate on 14th September recalls a traditional belief of the discovery of the true cross in 320 AD. For us as Christians, the Cross is the great symbol of Christ’s victory over death and evil. We live surrounded by the symbol, on rosary beads, on walls in schools and homes, often in the shape of our older churches, around our necks and in the signing of ourselves at prayer.
Five years ago, as my father was dying and was struggling with his breathing, his two hands held tightly a crucifix given to him a few years previous. For the last few weeks of his life it had either been on his bed or grasped in his hands. For him it summed up and symbolised his life, his final journey, God’s love for him, his hope and his victory. He never said, but I’m sure it helped him cope with the fear of parting from us his family and from all he knew and I’m also sure that it helped him focus on the victory – the great things to come.
Somehow the symbol of the cross was then very evident and very real. It was a victory over death, fear, past sin and failure. It was the victory of faith, hope and love.
As my father died his tight grip seemed to relax – almost letting go of the crucifix as if he said “it is accomplished”. His crucifix and its meaning gave him confidence to face his God with trust in God’s forgiveness and love. At the time, and even still, it has given us as a family the strength and courage to live today and face tomorrow with new hope.
Lord by Your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free. You are the Saviour of the world.”        Fr. Martin

Calendar: Mass Times and Intentions :–

Mon. 16th September:  24th Week in Ordinary Time: St. Cornelius, Pope, & St. Cyrian, Bishop – Martyrs.
                     Bantry:                  10am           Jack Knight – Market Street
Tues. 17th September: 24th Week in Ordinary Time: St. Robert Bellarmine,
Bishop & doctor of the Church. Involved in theological controversies of the time. Patron of Catechists.
                     Bantry:                  10.00am     Daniel Hurley (Clonakilty) & Hannah Hurley (Kielnascarta)
Wed. 18th  September: 24th  Week in Ordinary Time:
                     Bantry                   10.00am     John & Hannah Barry - Mainvour
                     Hospital:               5.30pm       Donal Minehane - Donemark

Thurs 19th September: 24th  Week in Ordinary Time:. St. Januarius, Bishop
of Benevento, was martyred at Naples in 305, with six companions.
Bantry:                  10.00am     Sean Coakley - Dunmanway
Friday 20th September: 24th Week in Ordinary Time. Ss Andrew Kim
Taegan, priest, Paul Chong Ha-sang, & companions, martyrs.
Bantry:       10am                     Richael Donovan – High Street
Kealkil:       7.30pm                  Annie Keane – Glengarriff Rd - 1st Anniversary

Sat. 21st  September: 24th Week in Ordinary Time: st. Matthew, Apostle &
Evangelist. The tax collector, was a missionary in Persia & Ethiopia.
                     Hospital                 10am           Bridie Cronin – Georges Row
                     Bantry:                  6.15pm       Tadhg Casey – Seafield

Sun. 22nd September: Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Times
                     Bantry:                       9am         Teddy O’Sullivan – Keyes Terrace
                     Coomhola:               10am       Jenny O’Sullivan – Cappadayourdil
                     Kealkil:                      11am       Hannah Cronin - Cullinagh
                     Bantry:                      12noon   People of the Parish

Bantry Parish Assembly

In this the Year of Faith it is fitting that the first Parish Assembly for Bantry parish, which includes Coomhola and Kealkil, was initiated. Members of the Assembly are elected for a period of three years. The Parish Assembly is a faith-filled leadership group through which the priests of the parish and parishioners work together as co-responsible partners in furthering the mission of Christ in our parish. Through this partnership a vibrant Christian community, rooted in baptism and marked by its faith, worship and service is created and nurtured. The parishioners listed below were nominated by their peers and gathered in March of this year for the formation or training sessions. This group comprising of all ages and from varying backgrounds have come together to enhance their own faith development and enrich the life of the parish.

At their initial meeting in April, members formulated and adopted the Vision for Bantry Parish Assembly which reads as follows:
“We as a Parish Assembly are a welcoming, inclusive and vibrant gathering of parishioners, aiming to work in a supportive and non-judgemental way to encourage, nurture and enrich the faith. We endeavour to create, in a progressive, humble and unifying way, a new open vision where all have a sense of belonging in a caring, safe environment on our journey together as a God centred faith community”.

Members decided during their training to create three working groups within the assembly. The Liturgy group, Community Connections in Faith group and Youth and Family group will all work on individual projects that are specific to the groups and report back to the main Assembly. The Parish Assembly welcomes input from parishioners and will over the next couple of weeks keep people up to date with the work of the various groups. Please feel free to contact any member with any queries or suggestions that you may have.

Liturgy Group: Michael Milner, Anne O’Regan, Mary Murphy, Barry Parsons, Mary McCarthy, Catherine Canty, Maura O’Flynn, Jerry Sheehan, Mary Sharkey.
Youth & Family Group: Therese Linehan, Dillon O’Flynn, Nellie Murnane, Teresa O’Sullivan, Bernie Cronin, Ann-Marie Murphy, Joe Sharkey, Marian Minehane, Rory O’Callaghan.
Community Connections in Faith: Elaine Cronin, Angela O’Donovan, Sean O’Sullivan, Kitty Dullea, Marie Baker, Margaret Collins, Joan O’Mahony, Sean Linehan, Donal Cronin


Beginning Experience is a specially designed Support Programme for people who have suffered the loss of a spouse by death , separation or divorce to work through the grief process, and to discover for themselves that merely "existing" in life can be transformed into "living" a new life, though a different one. Ennismore Retreat Centre, Cork from Friday October 4th to Sunday October 6th, 2013. Please contact 087-9886480 or email

Living with Suicide Day: 
Lough Derg, Wednesday 25th September. A day dedicated to anyone who has been affected by suicide, including those who minister and provide support. It is a guided day with three expert speakers as well as time for peaceful reflection and prayer on the Island. Booking essential, contact Maureen 071 9861518/028 68632391 or email

The annual collection for the Education of Students to Priesthood takes place on Saturday/Sunday, September 21st/22nd. 
Fortunately, the Diocese has  been blessed with a reasonable number of students in recent years.  After one Ordination this June, we now have four seminarians in Maynooth and a further two at the Irish College in Rome.  These six students are at various stages of their training and one is due to be ordained to the Priesthood next year and another to the Diaconate.  While we are delighted that we have so many students, it must also be remembered that the cost of educating each student can be as much as €28,000 per year.  We expect the Education of Clerical students this year to reach €156,000
 This September the Diocese is also fortunate in that six men are commencing a preparation year for the Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese.  The cost of this venture will be €12,000, with an increased amount in future years, should these candidates continue.
  This collection is the principal source of funding for the education of our clerical students.   Your support for this cause would be very much appreciated .

Autumn Stations

Weds. 18th Sept. @ 11am Jim & Kitty O’Sullivan – Newtown

Fri. 20th Sept. @ 8pm – Helen Triggs  – Borlin

Sat. 28th September @ 11am– Danny & Maureen Murnane – Gorteen, Beach, Cappanaloha, Dromreig, Dunbittern, Shanavalla, Dromacusane, Dromcloch, Ardihoulihane, Aghaghogeen.

Sat.5th October @ 11am – David & Nora Murphy – Gortroe, Shandrum
We ask those parishioners who are thinking of hosting the Autumn Stations this year to please contact the parish office (56398)

We congratulate Jackie Coffey (Seskin, Bantry) & John Connolly (Cahernacrin, Bantry) who were married in St. Finbarr’s Church, on Saturday, 7th September.
We wish Jackie & John long and happy lives together. 


Died Recently
We extend our prayers & sympathy to the family, relatives & friends of
 Mortimer Joseph O’Sullivan (Joe Barnach) 
(Kealkil & Bantry).
John Patrick O’Shea (Droumaloughlin, Bantry),
Denis (Den Tim) McCarthy (Kealkill)
May they rest in peace


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