Sunday 1 September 2013

The  twenty second Sunday in ordinary time  
                            Sunday 1st September 2013                                      

 The Deep End – Humility & Hospitality
Jesus is at table eating & drinking more times in Luke than in any of the other Gospels. In today’s Gospel Jesus is at the house of one of the Pharisees for a Sabbath meal. The parable which Jesus tells them concerns humility as he watched the guests take the places of honour at the table. The host in the parable is obviously the insightful one, one who is able to expose phoniness in the community. This doesn’t always have to be a negative, sometimes we need people like that to show us our weaknesses, to help us grow. In today’s world real humility can be interpreted as low self-esteem or even a false humility. Archbishop of Canterbury William Temple said ‘Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts. It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all.’
Hospitality to the stranger is the next topic of conversation as Jesus urges those present to invite, not those who are known to them, but those who are poor, crippled in some way. Real hospitality is the second lesson of this story, to invite people in and to do so without expecting reward. Through real hospitality to the stranger, humility is there.  ‘If we only pride ourselves on our service record and nothing more, we end up going wrong…We have to be humble, but with real humility, from head to toe.’ Pope Francis
Jane Mellet (email: janemellet:yahoo,com)       

  Calendar: Mass Times and Intentions

Mon. 2nd September:  22nd  Week in Ordinary Time:
                     Bantry:                  10am           Margaret O’Donoghue – Market Street
Tues. 3rd September: 22nd  Week in Ordinary Time: St. Gregory the Great, poet and doctor of the Church. A Roman
noble who was Prefect of the City before beoming a monk. As Pope he established a pattern for the papacy in years to
come. He sent missions to Lombardy, Sardinia, & England. Patron of Musicians.
                     Bantry:                  10.00am     Alice Hourihan – Marian Terrace
Wed. 4th September: 22nd  Week in Ordinary Time: St. Oengus Mac Nissi took his name from his mother Cnes or Ness. It is claimed that Patrick baptised him and taught him the psalms. He chose the district of Connor for his hermitage, but later became bishop of his clan. He died early in the 6th century.
                     Bantry                   10.00am     Liam Clarke – Dromkeal
                     Hospital:               5.30pm       Boyle Cussen

Thurs 5th September: 22nd  Week in Ordinary Time:.
Bantry:                  10.00am     Padraig O’Grady – Derryginaugh East
Friday 6th September: 22nd  Week in Ordinary Time. First Friday
Bantry:                  10am           Dan & Peggy O’Shea - Adrigole
Kealkil:                  7.30pm       Donal Murphy – Lisheens, Kealkil
Bantry:                 7.30pm       Matt & Margaret O’Sullivan - Newtown

Sat. 7th September: 22nd  Week in Ordinary Time:
                     Hospital                 10am           Ray Clarkin (Gorteen) & his mother Alice Clarkin (Cloonlougher, Co.Leitrim)
                     Bantry:                  6.15pm       Jerome O’Sullivan - Scart
Sun. 8th September: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
                     Bantry:                       9am         Paddy Nagle – Blackrock Terrace
                     Coomhola:               10am       Timothy & Nellie Harrington
                     & the deceased members of the Harrington family - Corran
                     Kealkil:                      11am       Eugene O’Sullivan – Kealkil Village
                     Bantry:                      12noon   People of the Parish

The Saturday evening mass choir (formerly 10.30 Sunday)  will resume their practices on Thursday 12th Sept. at 8.15pm in the upstairs parish room. New members are always welcome

Folk Group will resume practices on Friday nights at 8.30pm in the upper Sacristy. New members are always welcome.
First Friday: There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on the first Friday, 6th September next, after 10am Mass until 7.30pm Mass & you are invited to spend an hour in adoration. 

First Friday Communion Calls Fr. Martin & Fr. Seán will make their calls during the coming week.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Padre Pio Prayer Group – First Friday – Rosary & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament commences 6.45pm followed by Holy Mass & the Padre Pio Prayer at 7.30pm.

Autumn Stations
Sat. 14th Sept. @ 11amDenis & Catherine O’Sullivan – Ballinamought, Cousane, Clouneycarney, Maughnaclea

Fri. 20th Sept. @ 8pm – Helen Triggs  – Borlin

Sat. 28th September @ 11am– Danny & Maureen Murnane – Gorteen, Beach, Cappanaloha, Dromreig, Dunbittern, Shanavalla, Dromacusane, Dromcloch, Ardihoulihane, Aghaghogeen.
We ask those parishioners who are thinking of hosting the Autumn Stations this year to please contact the parish office (56398)

We thank you for the opportunity
to begin this new school year,
and we ask that you bless
the students, teachers, and student families
that make our school a great place.
We pray that you will guide us in all ways,
so that we will seek your will
in everything that we do.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
David Bennett

Anam Cara is holding its monthly support meeting on Wednesday 4th of September 2013 from 19:30 to 21:00 at The Silver Springs Hotel, Tivoli, Cork. This event is free, open to all bereaved parents and each Anam Cara support group has a bereavement therapist present to answer any questions parents may have and signpost them to other services that are available in the area.

There will be a Blood Pressure Clinic held at the Bantry Primary Care Health Centre, Maritime Hotel, Bantry on Wednesday, 4th September  (2:30-4:00 p.m).  All are welcome to attend this free, confidential service being offered by the HSE and your local Public Health Nurse.  People of all ages should have blood pressure checked on a regular basis

Recent Parish Baptisms:
Charlie John Hurley
(Cúl na Gréine, Drimoleague)
We welcome him into our Christian Community

Bantry Men’s Shed. Invention Convention (Recycle & Design Workshop) Wanted Used bicycles and Parts in good condition. Old Gaelscoil Building on Main Street on Fridays 10am-1pm. If you have any used & unwanted bikes & parts please Contact Bantry Men’s Shed on 027 52266   or Or Come along this Friday and get involved.

Mindlink: A free information evening featuring international lecturer on the mind sciences, will take place in the Maritime Hotel @ 7.30 on Thurs. Sept.5th. Rod Briggs will speak on a range of techniques designed to allow us to live more effectively.b This work has been used by Olympic athletes, business leaders, students, etc.  His teachings are fun & informative with entertaining stories.

On Weds. evening Sept. 4th @ 8pm Bantry Defibrillator group members will hold a training session at Collins Bar, Kealkil. All are welcome. Come along, watch & learn how to perform good CPR & how to use a defibrillator. You will try these life saving skills yourself and learn at your own pace. If a family member or friend were to collapse you will know how to help them. Group members can help in the event of a collapse so call 112 or 999 first for an ambulance and then call 1800 277 233 or 1800 CPR AED.
Fit4Life: Monday nights, meet at Cargo night club in the Bantry Bay Hotel. Walk,jog or run. Find people of similar level and enjoy building your fitness over the winter.Come along and tell us what you would like to get from the club.Suitable for all levels of fitness(and one!).Male/Female.Age16+.Info-Rose (087)2963213

Down Syndrome Ireland would like to thank all who contributed to their Collection in Bantry Town on Saturday last 24/08/2013. Raising 1414.89 euro. Many thanks to all the collectors who gave their time, it is greatly appreciated. This money will be used in West Cork to fund much needed services.

Offertory Collection: Bantry Church weekend of 24th/25th August: €2290
Month of August: Coomhola:€1229, Kealkil:€1549

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