The Third Sunday of lent
Sunday 23rd March
Mon. 24th March: 3rd week of Lent:
Bantry: 10am Steve O’Donoghue – Market Street
Tues. 25th March: The Annunciation of the Lord
Bantry: 10am Rita & Kevin Crotty – Stradbally,
Co. Waterford
Bantry: 7.30pm Cissie & Sean Dennehy – Scart Road
Wed. 26th March: 3rd week of Lent:
No 10am Mass in Bantry Church due to Confirmations
Hospital: 5.30pm Dan Joe O’Driscoll
Thurs. 27th March: 3rd week of Lent:
Bantry: 10am Maeve O’Donoghue – Dromleigh Bantry: 7.30pm Betty Hunt
Friday 28th March: 3rd week of Lent:
Bantry 10am Joseph & Catherine Lynch – Marian Terrace
Kealkil; 7.30pm Nigel Kingston – Lisheens – 1st Anniversary
Sat. 29th March: 3rd week of Lent:
Hospital: 10am Patrick McSweeney - Shanavalla
Bantry: 6.15pm Tommie Holland – Slip Park
Sun. 30th March: Fourth Sunday of Lent
Bantry: 9am Rita O’Shea – Reenrour East
Coomhola: 10am Tim & Catherine Keohane - Farranfadda
Kealkil: 11am Mary & Danny McCarthy- Cappabue
Bantry: 12noon People of the Parish
Every Mass we celebrate is offered for ‘the Pope, the Bishop, the whole order of bishops, all the clergy & the entire people’. Therefore, as is said in the Eucharisitic Prayer everyone is included in the intentions of every Mass.
Canon Law states that it is in order for a priest to accept a donation to apply the Mass for a special intention. The request for Masses far exceeds the number of Masses being celebrated in the parish. This was discussed at a recent Parish Assembly meeting & the suggestion of ‘Shared Massed’ was offered.
A ‘shared Mass’ means that the Mass offered would have multiple intentions remembered. A ‘Shared Mass’ can be booked, as normal, through the Parish Office and the intention written into a book specially for the intentions of ‘Shared Masses’. This book will then be placed on the altar during the ‘shared Mass’ keeping the names & intentions present during the Mass. (We are familiar with this during the November Novena).
From the 6th of June (First Friday) of this year the First Friday Masses celebrated in Bantry & Kealkil each month will be ‘Shared Masses’. Booking can be made as usual through the Parish Office. The option of including an individual intention remains at all other Masses celebrated in the parish.
Bishop Buckley will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to the children of the country Schools at 10.30am on Wednesday 26th March next.
Please note that there will be no morning Mass at 10am and there will be limited parking only in the Church Grounds on the day.
Stations of the Cross - Sundays of Lent – 5pm St. Finbarr’s Church, Bantry
To help us to ‘undertake a more fruitful Lenten Journey’ the Stations of the Cross will be led by members of the Parish Assembly and others on each of the six Sundays of Lent. We will gather at 5.00pm each Sunday in St. Finbarr’s Church and invite
you to journey with Jesus on his way to Calvary
Beginnings Experience
BEGINNING EXPERIENCE is a specially designed Support Programme for people who have suffered the loss of a spouse by death , separation or divorce to work through the grief process, and to discover for themselves that merely "existing" in life can be transformed into "living" a new life, though a different one.
The next weekend is being held in the Ennismore Retreat Centre, Cork from Friday April 4th to Sunday April 6th, 2014.
For Application Forms and further details please contact 087 9886480 or email
Spring Stations 2014
Wednesday 26th March @ 8pm – Tony & Martina Connolly – Cahernacrin, Drombroe, Derrincaolig
Saturday 29th March @ 11am – Ann & John Kingston – Lisheens, Traenamaddree.
Friday 4th April @ 8pm– Liz & Martin O’Mahony - Donemark, Lahaden, Carribui, Dromafinchin, Dromachapaill, Dromaduneen.
Friday 11th April @ 8pm – Eugene Buckley – Skahana, Dromsullivan, Inchaclough
Tuesday 15th April @ 11am – Ted & Margaret Cronin – Leachareigh, Derryfadda, Cappabui North, Lacavane, Maugha
Saturday 26th April @ 11am–Deirdre Kingston- Newtown.
If you are thinking of hosting the Spring Stations this year, we would ask you to please contact the parish office (56398) to arrange a date.
The Annual Cork and Ross Vocations Information Day will be held at St. Dominic’s Retreat Centre, Ennismore, Montenotte, Cork , on Saturday, April 5th (10.30am- 4pm)
Many contemplating the possibility of a vocation to priesthood are nervous about taking the first step. This day allows prospective students to explore the possibility of a vocation and make enquiries in an informal setting. Seminarians for the Diocese will also attend.
Further information from:
Fr. Tom Deenihan 021 4301717
Canon Bertie O’Mahony 021 4371684
Pope Francis has announced an important lenten initiative in relation to the Sacrament of Confession.
Confession is an important part of the Lenten observance and is a Sacrament of welcome and mercy for the penitent.
In the Diocese of Cork and Ross, St. Francis Church in Liberty Street has been designated for this purpose and priests from many religious orders and the Diocese will be available throughout the day and night to hear confessions there. It is a church in the city associated with confession and I appreciate the assistance of the Franciscan Community in this regard.
Bishop Buckley said that confession of ones sins and a return to the Gospel has always been an important part of the Church's lenten observance. He commends this initiative wholeheartedly and will hear confessions himself in St. Francis' at that time.
Bantry and District Cardiac Support Group -
monthly meeting will be held on Tues 25th March at The Family Resourse Centre Main Street at 8pm. Guest Speaker Catherine Cahalane Cardiovascular HSE Public Health Nurse, will speak on developing / preventing heart disease. Catherine Cahalane (cardiovascular PHN)0867871552
John (group member)0864048821
The Glengarriff Youth Drama Group will be performing "Sixties - The Musical" on Sunday March 30 at 3pm and Monday March 31 at 8pm at the Glengarriff Parochial Hall. Admittance €7 for adults and €5 for children. Come out & enjoy music & dance."
WCDP in conjunction with Irish Rural Link are offering an Introduction to Computers and the Internet. The course will run for 4 Mondays from 10am – 12pm in the WCDP offices (former Gaelscoil) on Main Street and is suitable for complete beginners (no age restrictions). The course is free of charge and will start on Monday 24th March. Call Kathryn today on 087-9876390 to book your place.
St Colums Gaa club scooped 'Best club overall' at the recent Cork County Scór finals held in Ovens. The club was well represented with figure dancers, solo singer, novelty act and set dancers. Congratulations on a fantastic performance that all put in and thanks to all who travelled to support the clubs members
Cage Crew sessions have recommence for the 2014 season every Saturday morning from 10-11am. All girls and boys born in 2008-2009 are invited to join Naomh Colm for lots of fun and games. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Arthritis Ireland lecture by Prof. Gerry Wilson, UCD; “Working on a Cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis” : Rochestown Park Hotel on Wed 26th March 7.30pm. Admission free. Booking essential:- Book online: or Call 1890 252 846.
Bingo at The Mealagh Valley Hall, Ards on Thursday March 27th. at 8.30P.M. Jackpot & Raffle on the night. £7 Per Person to Play. Usual Bus service from Durrus & Bantry.
Local Band The Brewmasters will Play at Mealagh Valley Community Hall, Ards on Saturday March 29th. Starting at 9.00P.M.. Entry Fee is £5 Person Person. Your Support would be greatly Appreciated.