Friday 5 October 2012

Parish Bulletin - Sunday 7th October 2012

Calendar of Mass Times & Mass Intentions of the coming Week
Monday 8th October to Sunday 14th October

Monday 8th October:
Bantry 10am: Jim Gallagher & deceased members of the Gallagher Family

Tuesday 9th October:
Bantry 10am: William Flynn - Canada & Caherdaniel - Months Mind

Wednesday 10th October:
Bantry 10am: Catherine & Patrick Harrington - Drimoleague
Hospital 5.30pm: Kevin Smith - Reenrour East

Thursday 11th October:
Bantry 10am: Con Carr - Bantry & Kerry

Friday 12th October:
Bantry 10am: Peter Tobin - Scart Road
Kealkil 7.30pm: People of the Parish

Saturday 13th October:
Hospital 10am: Eileen Minihane - Blackrock Raod - 5th Anniversary
Bantry 6.15pm: James & Elizabeth Flynn - Durrus

Sunday 14th October:
Bantry 9am: Betty Riordan - Church Road
Coomhola 10am: Patrick & Elizabeth Holland - Kealanine
Kealkil 11am; Sean O'Shea - Ahil, Kealkil
Bantry 12noon: People of the Parish

The Deep End – The Little Ones:
In today’s Gospel Jesus is being tested with a controversial question on remarriage. ‘Is it legal…?’ This is an honour/shame spectacle designed to test Jesus on his interpretation of the Torah. Jesus immediately tries to take His questioners beyond the letter of the law. He reminds us of God’s creation and the harmony that exists or that should exist in the world around us. While the questioning refers specifically to remarriage, Jesus’ response is that we are all equal and should strive to stay away from all that causes disharmony. The story of the little children may appear a separate incident but it again involves human relationships. The word ‘children’ meaning ‘little ones’ is not referring solely to children but to those in society who are considered ‘little’. What does Jesus do for them? He welcomes the rejected, He blesses them, He shows us that they are unique and that they each have something to teach us. ‘Lord, there are many things in life which you have made complementary, not two, but together forming one reality: young and old in a community; men and women in relationships; people of different cultures in our one world; body and soul within each of us. It is difficult to make this unity, and so we allow ourselves to divorce these things from each other. We see them as opposed and in competition. We thank you for Jesus who taught us that it was not so at the beginning of creation, and what you have united we human beings have no right to divide’. (Michael de Verteuil).                         Jane Mellett (email:

Every human life is beautiful, every human life is precious. Choose Life!
Sunday 7 October 2012
Today is the Day for Life 2012. Day for Life is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the meaning and value of human life at every stage. The theme for this year is Choose Life. See for more information on the month of prayer announced by the bishops.

Died Recently
We extend our prayers & sympathy to the family, relatives and friends of Marie O’Donovan (nee Brickley) of  Seafield, Bantry & formerly of Bean Hill, Ballinascarthy, who died on 3rd October 2012.  May she rest in peace.
Autumn Stations
Sat. 6th Oct.@ 11.30am – Eileen & John O’Mahony – Carriganass, Ahil, Gearagh

Fri. 12th October @ 8pm – John & Dympna Crowley – Beach, Cappanaloha, Dromreig, Dunbittern, Shanavalla, Dromcusane, Gorteen, Dromcloch, Ardihoulihane, Aghagoheen

Sat. 20th October @ 11am – Denis Cronin – Cahermuckee, Maulavanig

We ask those parishioners who are thinking of hosting the Autumn Stations this year to please contact the parish office (56398) or one of the priests. Thank you.
Recent Parish Baptisms
Daniel Nathan Andrews (Ballylickey, Bantry)
Michael Joseph Casey (Newtown, Bantry)
Molly Rae Louise Coffey (Seskin Park, Bantry)
We welcome them into our Christian Community

Do this in Memory” This Sunday, the 9am Mass at Bantry Church, the 10am Mass at Coomhola & the 11am Mass in Kealkil will involve the young people preparing for First Communion & their parents and guardians

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