Friday 12 October 2012

Latest Bantry Parish News

The Deep End – ‘The Impossible is often the untried.’

 As I am writing this, the Olympics have just finished and I have been glued to the TV for two weeks of good news stories, images of solidarity, humanity at its best and the universal language of sport breaking down all cultural and political barriers (if only for 16 days). What struck me most was the interview given by Katie Taylor right after she won her gold medal, her first words being ‘Where would I be without God in my life?’ Katie decided aged 11 she would be Olympic champion and aged 26 that’s exactly what she achieved. Katie talks of the Bible as her psychological tool and Jesus as the strength in her life.

The man in today’s Gospel is a man of faith but he wants to know what rules to obey and what things to avoid so that he can simply get on with things and achieve some deeper existence without too much bother. The man goes away sad perhaps thinking about a goal he had set but not achieved because he was unwilling to give everything. What Jesus asks seems impossible to him. We are not given impossible tasks. We are given dreams that can be achieved but that will involve hard work, determination, perseverance and bouts along the way. There is no easy path to a deeper involvement with life, whether that  e in our relationship with God or with a community, a special cause or a lifelong dream. We are reminded that ‘all things are possible with God’.                                                     Jane Mellet (email:
Bantry Parish Calendar : Mass Time and Intentions:
Monday 15th - Sunday 21st October 2012
Monday 15th October:
Bantry: 10am - James O'Sullivan - Droumsullivan
Tuesday 16th October:
Bantry: 10am - Celia Willis - Market Street & Summerhill
Wednesday 17th October:
Bantry: 10am - Vera O'Shea - Droumaloughlin
Hospital: 5.30pm - Hannie O'Sullivan - Slip, Bantry
Thursday 18th October:
Bantry: 10am - Brigid Hurley - Market Street
Friday 19th October:
Bantry: 10am - Paddy Cronin - George's Row
Kealkil: 7.30pm - People of the Parish
Saturday 20th October:
Hospital: 10am - Noel Pheur - St. Canneras Place - 1st Anniversary
Bantry: 6.15pm - Gerard O'Donoghue - Ballylickey
Sunday 21st October:
Bantry: 9am - Teddy O'Sullivan
Coomhola: 10am - Nora Davio - Farranfadda
Kealkil: 11am - Jeremiah O'Sullivan - Ballinamought, Kealkil
Bantry: 12noon - People of the Parish 
Year of Faith Diocesan Meetings Invitation
Two meetings will be held to introduce the Year of Faith and to discuss how we can engage with it personally, in parishes and in pastoral areas.
Thursday 18th October, 8.00pm Douglas Parish Centre (by the Church)
Monday 22nd October, 8.00pm Clonakilty Parish Centre (the old school on the west side of the Church)
Anne Francis 087-228-2134, All welcome.
Recent Parish Baptisms:
Jamie Donnacha O’Connor (Cahirmuckee, Kealkil)
David John Coleman (Mullagh, Bantry)
We welcome them into our Christian Community

West Cork Talent Competition 2012
West Cork Talent Competition was recently launched at the Westlodge Hotel, Bantry by the principal and staff of  St. Finbarr’s Boys’ School.
This is a fundraising event for the refurbishment of I.T. facilities at the school. St. Finbarr’s Boys’ school is in the process of introducing I pads in all classrooms which will require a wireless infrastructure at the school.
The West Cork Talent Competition is inviting entries from all entertainers of all styles and ages to participate in this exciting event resulting in 1st Prize value of €1000 and the presentation of the Perpetual West Cork Talent Trophy.
 Registration is almost complete but there are a number of limited places available – email: for info.
 This is a wonderful opportunity if you like to sing, dance, play an instrument or any other type of stage performance!!
The first heat will take place at the Westlodge Hotel, Bantry on Oct. 19th at 8pm. A great night’s entertainment is guaranteed!!
Care for the Aged Association is 45 years in existence this year and to celebrate this they are hosting a social night in the Bantry Bay Hotel on Thursday, 25th October at 7.45pm. All present and past volunteers are invited to attend.

     Bantry Men’s Shed.
We are looking for men who would be interested in setting up a Men’s Shed here in Bantry. If anybody is interested in the Men’s Shed call in to the West Cork Development Partnership Office on any Friday we are open from 9:30am until 5pm. Our office is located on Main Street Bantry in the old Gaelscoil Building. For more information – Contact Fergal at 027 55169 or
What is a Men’s Shed?
The Community Men’s Shed is an updated version of the shed in the backyard.
If you looked inside one you could see anything! From a number of men restoring furniture to perhaps restoring bicycles for a local school, or maybe fixing lawn mowers. You might also see both young and older men learning new skills from each other and maybe also learning something
about life from the men they are working with.
Race night at Owvane Falls Ballylickey

on Sat.night 20th Oct. @ 9pm -  Fundraiser for Jerry Harringtons trip to Haiti to help build houses with HAVEN

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