Sunday, 27 October 2013

The  Thirtieth Sunday in ordinary time  
Sunday 27th October 2013 

                           Feast of All Saints  November 1st
                                                                               Holy Day of Obligation

Thursday 31st October           Vigil Mass 6.15pm       Bantry

Friday 1st November:             Coomhola            10am
                                                Kealkil                 11am
                                                Bantry                 12noon
                                                Bantry                 7.30pm

                                                 November 2nd to 10th inclusive                                             

Daily                                                   Saturdays
Bantry                 10am                       Bantry                 10am
Kealkil                 7.30pm                   Coomhola            10.15pm
Coomhola            8.15pm                    Kealkil                 11am
                                                                         Bantry                 6.15pm

Please note: No Mass in the Hospital Chapel on Saturdays during the Novena
At every Mass during the Novena for The Holy Souls a candle will be lighting to remember all  our loved ones who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith.
May they have eternal rest and peace

Those who have died since November 2012 will be remembered in the following Masses during November:

Kealkil,      Wednesday 6th November      @ 7.30pm           
Coomhola,  Thursday 7th November        @ 8.15pm
Bantry,        Friday 8th November             @ 7.30pm                                

Relatives of those who have died are invited to attend.  Candles will be available at the porches for relatives to bring to the altar when their deceased family member’s name is called out.

Envelopes for November
Envelopes to commemorate your departed relatives & friends are at the doors this weekend. The Novena of Masses begins November 2nd.

Cemetery Prayers: Sunday November 3rd
Kilmacomogue @ 2pm.
Abbey Cemetery @ 3pm
Churchyard @ 3.45pm, followed by 

Sunday November 10th: Cillíneach @ 2pm

Died Recently
We extend our prayers & sympathy to the families, relatives & friends of 
Taidhg Burke Neff (Moulakieve, Bantry),
Kieran Casey (Cahernacrin, Bantry),
May they rest in peace

We ask parishioners to leave parking spaces around the Church for elderly & infirm people. A clear entrance & exit around the church must be kept at all time in case of emergencies.

Calendar: Mass Times and Intentions

Mon. 28th October:  Ss. Simon & Jude, Apostles:.
                     Bantry:                    10am             Eugene O’Sullivan - Glencreagh
Tues. 29th October: 30th Week in Ordinary Time:
                     Bantry:                    10.00am        Patrick Hourihan – Marian Terrace
Wed. 30th October: 30th  Week in Ordinary Time:
Bantry                     10.00am        Dan & Kate O’Sullivan - Scart
Hospital                   5.30pm         Mrs. Mary Scully – New Street

Thurs 31st October: 30th  Week in Ordinary Time:.
Bantry:                    10.00am        Eddie Gilman, his wife Mona & son John –
Bantry:                   6.15pm         James O’Sullivan - Droumsullivan
Friday 1st November: First Friday – Feast of All Saints – Holy Day of Obligation
                     Coomhola:               10am             John O’Flynn - Coorloum
                     Kealkil:                    11am             People of the Parish
                     Bantry:                    12noon         People of the Parish
                     Bantry:                    7.30pm         Brigid O’Driscoll – Snave – 40th Anniversary
                                                                           & Arthur Coakley – Orchard Hill

Sat. 2nd November: The Commemoration of the Faithful Departed:
                     Bantry:                    10am
                     Coomhola: 10.15am                     Kealkil: 11am     Bantry:               6.15pm   

Sun. 3rd November: Thirty First Sunday  Ordinary Time
                     Bantry:                         9am                             People of the Parish
                     Coomhola:                   10am                           People of the Parish
                     Kealkil:                        11am                            People of the Parish
                     Bantry:                        12noon                        People of the Parish     

Fr. Liam Lawton Concert

Bantry Parish Assembly are pleased to announce Fr. Liam Lawton in concert as part of his "A Celtic Christmas" tour in St Finbarrs Church Bantry on Sunday 15th December at 8pm. Tickets are €20 and will be on sale shortly from the Parish Office, De Barra's restaurant, Floury Hands and Quik Pick. Monies raised will go towards the church renovation fund.

First Friday Communion Calls 

Fr. Martin & Fr. Seán will make their calls during the  week of 7th/8th November.
First Friday: Please note there will not be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on the first Friday, 1st November next due to the Holy Day.

Cost of Renovation to Parish Churches

Bantry                                     1,143,000
Coomhola                                   359,000
Kealkill                                         71,000
Total Cost of Renovations:     1,573,000

Parish Deposit Account
(inclusive of substantial
Donation from Estate of
Parishioner)                             1,117,840

Balance outstanding
(before Fundraising)                   455,160

Donations from
Parishioners during appeal         398,033  

Shortfall to be raised                   57,127

Renovation Fund Collections for 2014
As there is still a small shortfall, we propose to have four renovation fund collections in 2014 in order to clear the outstanding debt.
The dates for these collections will be: Feb. 15th/16th, May 24th/25th, Aug. 9th/10th, Nov.22nd/23rd.
We appreciate your generosity and support.

Offertory Collection
Bantry Church weekend of 19th/20th October: €1981
Special Collection for Mission Sunday: Bantry Parish: €2650.
Church Renovation Fund collection will take place this weekend -  October 26th/27th. Thank you for your continuing support.

Recent Parish Baptisms:
Mikey Anthony Burke
(Newtown East, Bantry)
We welcome him into our Christian Community

A    Quiz  Night  will be  held  at Mealagh  Valley  Community  Centre  on Friday  November  1st.  at  8.30 P.M.    Sharp.   Table of  4  costs  £25. Enquiries  or to  book  a Table please  call   086-0729076. 
 Bingo takes place  Thurs. Oct. 31st at 8.30pm. Usual Buses 

The Coomhola Borlin Development Association proudly present their cookbook "Hidden Food" with a launch night on November 1st, in the Ouvane Falls Inn, Ballylickey, Bantry at 8pm. A wonderful collection of recipes by the locals in a well crafted book, come and enjoy a fun-filled evening.

Bantry Cardiac Support Group October monthly meeting will be held on Tues October 29th at The Family Resource Centre Main Street at 8pm. For details contact: Catherine Cahalane (cardiovascular RHN)0867871552.

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