Thursday, 10 April 2014

Holy Week                                   in                                Bantry Parish 2014

During Holy Week, we commemorate the Passion of Christ, who died on Good Friday for our sins, and rose on Easter Sunday to give new life to all who believe. Attending at the ceremonies during Holy Week is our way of journeying with Christ thorough His death and resurrection.

In the past we celebrated this journey in each of the three churches in Bantry Parish. However, we now find ourselves with just two priests in the parish where there used to be five and we have to plan for this reality. We have to time ceremonies so that if one priest is unavailable the other can lead almost all of the scheduled ceremonies. Therefore, this year, we will have the full complement of ceremonies in the parish church in Bantry, but for the first time, ceremonies will be shared between Kealkil and Coomhola Churches. We will celebrate Holy Thursday and Holy Saturday in Kealkil and Good Friday in Coomhola.
The Holy Week Schedule is as follows:
Palm Sunday - 13th April                                                                 
Usual Sunday Masses
Bantry                                     Stations of the Cross                             5.00 pm        
Monday 14th April
Bantry                                                 Mass                                                    10.00 am
Bantry                                    Penitential Service                              7.30  pm
Tuesday 15th April               
Bantry                                     Mass                                                    10.00 am
Bantry                                     Mass                                                      7.30 pm
Spy Wednesday 16th April   
Bantry                                     Mass                                                    10.00 am
Hospital Chapel                      Mass                                                      5.30 pm
Easter Triduum (3 Day Preparation for Easter)
Holy Thursday - 17th April
Bantry                                                 Mass of the Lord’s Supper                   7.30 pm
Bantry                                     Holy Hour – Eucharistic Adoration    10.00 pm – 11.00 pm
Kealkil                                     Mass of the Lord’s Supper                   7.30 pm        
Kealkil                                    Confessions before and after Mass        Trocaire Boxes can be returned

Good Friday - 18th April
Bantry                                     Stations of the Cross                           12.00 noon
Bantry                                     Solemn Liturgy of the Passion              3.00 pm
Coomhola                                Stations of the Cross & Solemn            7.30 pm
Coomhola                               Confessions before and after Ceremony
**Collection for the Holy Places at all Ceremonies on Good Friday

Holy Saturday – 19th April
Bantry                                     Easter Vigil                                           9.00 pm
Kealkil                                     Easter Vigil                                           7.30 pm
Bantry                                    Confessions                                        12.00 noon

Easter Sunday – 20th April
Hospital Chapel                      Mass                                                      8.00 am (Please note extra Mass)
Bantry                                                 Mass                                                      9.00 am & 12.00 noon
Coomhola                                Mass                                                    10.00 am
Kealkil                                     Mass                                                    11.00 am

**Offertory Collection at the Easter Vigil and at all Masses on Easter Sunday is for the Priests of the Parish. This is one of two offertory collections in the year that contributes to the income of the priests in the parish. 

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