The third Sunday of easter
sunday 4th May 2014
Calendar: Mass Times and Intentions
Mon. 5th May: 3rd
week of Easter: B. Edmund Rice
Bantry: 10am Kathleen O’Mahony –Hayes, London
Tues. 6th
May: 3rd week of Easter:
Bantry: 10am
Christy Cronin – Gurteenroe
Wed. 7th
May: 3rd week of Easter:
Bantry: 10am Neilie Johnson – Gilhooley
Hospital: 5.30pm Michael Maguire - Coomhola
Thurs. 8th
May: 3rd week of Easter:
Bantry: 10am John Cotter - Dublin
Friday 9th May: 3rd week of Easter:
Bantry 10am Padraig
O’Grady – Derryginaugh East
Kealkil: 7.30pm
Margaret Cronin – Cappabui, Kealkil
Sat. 10th May: 3rd week of
Hospital: 10am Con
Bantry: 6.15pm Kevin Lynch Junior
Sun. 11th May: Fourth Sunday of Easter:
Bantry: 9am Mary
Swanton - Moulakieve
Coomhola: 10am
Johnny Desmond – Coorycommade
– 1st anniversary
Kealkil: 11am
Neilus Manning – Pearsons Bridge
Bantry: 12noon People of the Parish
Mass for TOWN
AREAS will be held on Mon., 12th May at Bantry Church
at 7.30pm
Mass for
outstanding BANTRY STATION AREAS will be held on Tuesday, 13th May
at Bantry Church at 7.30pm.
Seskin Lw/Caherdaniel West, Dromclough, Glencreagh, Parkanna, Scart,
Gortacloona, Ardra South, Baurnagearagh, Reendesert, Dromcaol, Coomanore,
Glenbanoo, Shandrum, Gortroe, Baurgorm, Milleeney, Ardnatrush, Snave,
Ardnagashel, Gurteenroe, Ard na Gaoithe, Whiddy, Dromliath, Ardra North,
Derrygrenagh South, Cahergullane, Raheen, Caherdaniel, Derrygreanaugh M &
E, Dromgarbh, Drograne
Station Areas in Coomhola—Mass in Coomhola
Church on Thursday 15th
May at 7.30pm.
Snave, Ardnagashel, Ardnatrush, Baurnagearagh, Derrynakilla,
Dromgarbh, Drograne, Esknafeelna, Derrycreha, Ardnatrush Beag, Ardnacloughy,
Coomhola, Corrycomade, Cooryleary, Dromduv, Millbeg, Farranfadda, Kealanine,
Corran, Cooleenlemane, Inchinagown, Coorloum, Derryduve, Cappadayourdil,
Station Areas in Kealkil— Mass at Kealkil
Friday 16th May at 7.30pm
Ardra, Ards,
Ballinamought, Breenybeg, Breenymore,
Cahermounteen, Cahermuckee, Cappabui South, Cappanaboul, Coomleigh,
Cousane, Cullinagh, Curryglass, Derryarkane, Dromaneasa, Dromlicacrue,
Glounycarney, Gortlachra, Gortnacowley, Incharoe, Kealkil, Kielnacnappogue, Lahernsheermeen,
Maughnaclee, Moularaha, Moulavanig,
The Parish dues may be returned on the
Spring 2014 – Station Mass
Fri. May 9th @ 8pm– John & Dympna Crowley - Dromcloc House
Beach, Cappanaloha,
Dromreig, Dunbittern, Shanavalla, Dromacusane, Gorteen, Dromcloch,
Ardihoulihane, Aghahogeen
Parish Baptisms
na Greine, Bantry),
Maja Gebus
(Marino Street ,
Alexandra Zofia Bak
(Scart Road , Bantry)
We welcome them into our Christian
in The Munster Arms Hotel, Bandon.
An introduction
followed by a workshop pondering selected psalms will show how God’s own prayer
book moulds us in psalm-shaped prayerfulness. In the ups, downs, and
in-betweens of everyday living, participants will in time find themselves
befriending the Book of Psalms. Seán Brennan is a retired
teacher. A lifelong learner, he earned
an honours BTh with the University
of Wales . Details &
Cost: €5
“Being the Body of Christ” a talk by Fr.Timothy Radcliffe OP will
take place on Sunday 18th May from 3pm to 5pm in Christ the King
Church, Turner’s Cross, Cork.
Fr. Timothy is a former Master
General of the Dominican Order & is an internationally renowned speaker
& author. His books include: Why go to Church, What is the point of being a
Christian, Taking the Plunge, I call you friend, among others. Most recently he
is noted as being one whom Pope Francis invited to Rome to talk to him personally abut the
Church today! The talk is open to all – no charge – a donation is welcome to
cover costs.
The Presentation Brothers are
organising a Youth Pilgrimage to Rome
for 16-35 year olds. 26th-30th October (mid-term break). Special Student rate:
only €400. Full details from Ms Treise O'Callaghan at 085-8588338 or
Evening Certificate
in Theology UCC September 2014
The Fundraiser which was held
recently was a wonderful success. Many thanks to the owners for the use of the
premises & to all those who helped in any way to raise €9121 for this very worthy cause. Information on the
Research Centre can be obtained from the Biosciences Institute UCC (Manager
Entrance is €10/8/5 at the
door or call Niamh at 027-63261 for reservations."
There are some places available on the Diocesan
pilgrimage to Lourdes from 11th to 16th June for people
needing care/assistance to travel and stay in the Acceuil (Hospital) for
the 6 days. If you or someone you know is interested please contact tel: 021
4537474 before 8th May.
Also, availability for pilgrims or parish groups
who would like to travel with the Diocese and stay in hotels – call 021
For those who avail
of the blood pressure clinic at the Health Centre, Bantry, apologies, but the
May Blood Pressure clinic is cancelled. The next Blood Pressure clinic will be
advertised when staff is available.
Bingo will be held
at Mealagh Valley Community Centre on Thursday
next May 8th. at 8.30 P.M..
Admission is £7 Per Person. The Jackpot on
the Night will be £320.
A 45 Progressive Card Drive
will also be held on Saturday May 10th at
9.00P.M. Sharp. Admission £10 Per
Your continued
support is greatly Appreciated.
We extend our prayers &
sympathy to the family, relatives & friends of Annie O’Connell
(nee Carroll),
(Tower Hill, Bantry)
May she rest
in peace
Rosary at the Lourdes
Grotto at 9pm during the month of May.
Everybody welcome.
Offertory Collection:
Month of April: Coomhola: €800.
Kealkil: €1000
Special collection for
Parish Pastoral Services will take place on May 10th/11th.
Renovation Fund collection will be on 24th/25th May.
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